Article 6415
Title of the article |
Authors |
Bezrukovа Olesya Vladimirovna, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of criminal law, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Index UDK |
Abstract |
Background. The purpose of the work is to consider peculiarities of regulation of questions of economy, finance, budget on the basis of the analysis of constitutions of certain foreign countries.
Materials and methods. This article was prepared on the basis of the analysis of constitutions of certain foreign countries in respect of regulation of economic relations. The main techniques used when preparing the article included comparativelegal, formal-legal methods.
Results. In the course of the study of the norms of foreign legislation regulating economic relations the author marked the interdependence of socio-economic and constitutional development, the relationship between them. The presented analysis of foreign legislation acknowledges the importance of consolidation as well as clarification of priorities in constitutions, in particular the socio-economic ones. In this case, it does not matter what system of government is proclaimed in the country, the policy is implemented depending on guaranteed constitutional values, on how the state ensures the society, on their availability to legal awareness of people.
Conclusions. Summarizing the content of norms of foreign constitutions, the following can be stated: a special role of the economy in the texts of foreign constitutions is distinguished – from fixing basic provisions in individual standards to introduction of special sections or chapters; a basic role of public institutions in regulation of economic development strategies of countries is fixed.
Key words |
economy, economic relations, principles of economic systems, organs of state power, constitution of individual states.
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References |
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Дата создания: 08.06.2016 15:43
Дата обновления: 09.06.2016 09:50